
Indore Real Estate witnessing rise in Female buyers

Indore Real Estate witnessing rise in Female buyers Man’s survival has always been food, clothing and shelter, Over the years necessity of home has shifted to a safe haven. There has been A paradigm shift in the sentiments of home buyers. Post pandemic a new reform that emerged was the rise in the women home buyers. According to survey, Indian women now choose to invest in real estate over gold bonds, or even  fixed deposits. Approximately 82 percent of surveyed women intend to purchase a home for personal use, while 18% intend to purchase a home for investment purposes. This reformation was also an outcome of covid-19 that compelled people to make rational decisions about their health, safety and the security of their wealth and income. A possibly new constant, work from home has increased demand for larger homes with workspaces with spending more time at home, the esteemed consumers are looking to upgrade and invest in amenities that boost their quality of life without having to compromise on their convenience quotient. This trend is also supported by majority of banks offering loans to women home buyers at lower interest rates and same has resulted in women purchasing properties even in their early working  years.  

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